Knowledgebase : EN > Archiving
PROBLEM: When using "Send as" with the email address of a distribution
group, a mail contact or a linked mailbox as sender, the sent emails
are not copied into the journal mailbox if Exchange standard
journaling is used. Consequently, with journal archivi...
PROBLEM: When archiving from Thunderbird the archive content does not
match the Thunderbird profile content.
BACKGROUND: Thunderbird does not have an API, that can be used to
acces the profiles and accounts. MailStore has to search for the
profile direc...
During Archiving from Microsoft 365 mailboxes,
one of the following errors occurs:
Error: "EWS Error Code: ErrorInvalidExchangeImpersonationHeaderData"
Connect via Exchange Online Powershell to Microsoft 365 and mov...
PROBLEM: While archiving email from a Microsoft Exchange server or
Office 365 the following error occurs:
_Microsoft Exchange Server was unable to complete the task. Details:
The message exceeds the maximum supported size. EWS Error Code:
PROBLEM: While archiving email from a Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
an _EWS error "The SMTP address has no mailbox associated with it"
_with failure code_ ErrorNonExistentMailbox _occurs.
SOLUTION: The cause of this problem is a bug in Microsoft Exchan...
While trying to access a Microsoft Exchange mailbox or during
archiving, an _HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)_ or _EWS 500 (Internal
Server Error)_ error occurs.
HTTP 500 or EWS 500 errors are very unspecific errors, indicating an
During execution of the archiving process, MailStore Server reports
_Archiving not possible: not all archive stores are available or no
archive store is set to "Archive Here"._ No emails are archived.
MailStore Server cannot find...
When archiving an Outlook profile, not all mails of the mailbox are
being archived; instead only messages of the last month or the last
year are being archived.
Outlook can be configured to use the Exchange-Cache-Mode. Outlook then
PROBLEM: When archiving the journaling mailbox of an Microsoft
Exchange Server 2013, MailStore Server stores emails from the Managed
Availability health monitoring probe with the email addresses
"HealthMailbox@domain.local" and "inboundproxy@inbound...
PROBLEM: While archiving IMAP mailboxes the error _unable to parse
server response_ occurs.
SOLUTION: Although this error message is generic, some IMAP server
related issues and solutions are known:
* MDAEMON: Sometimes the MDaemon server just retur...
SYMPTOM/PROBLEM: E-mails to MDaemon mailing lists are not archived
into every users' archive, that are member of these mailing lists.
ROOT CAUSE: MDaemon does not write e-mail message headers that are
requierd by MailStore to file in these e-mail correc...
QUESTION: Why are flagged emails never deleted by MailStore?
ANSWER: Flagged emails may play an important role for a user. There
can be tasks, deadlines or workflows linked to a flagged email. To not
impede these workflows, flagged emails are never dele...
PROBLEM: While archiving email from a Microsoft Exchange server or
Office 365 the following error occurs:
_Microsoft Exchange Server was unable to complete the task. Details:
The specified object was not found in the store. EWS Error Code:
PROBLEM: If you archive Exchange mailboxes, disposition notifications
("Your message was deleted without being read") are sent to the sender
of the emails being archived.
SOLUTION: This behavior of an Exchange Server can occur if you define
a deletion ru...
Can self-destructive/confidential emails be archived by MailStore
Sender of this email: The original sent email can be fully archived
Recipient of this email: The actually received email cannot be
archived, but the ...
PROBLEM: While archive email from a Microsoft Exchange server an EWS
error with error code _ErrorVirusDetected_ occurs.
SOLUTION: An Exchange integrated anti-virus software prevents the
delivery of the requested message to MailStore. Therefore the email...
PROBLEM: When selecting an Outlook profile to archive the error
message "The profile name is not valid. Enter a valid profile name"
SOLUTION: Outlook profile names are read directly from the Windows
Registry. Microsoft doesn't document the Regi...
IMAP is the best way to connect your Yahoo Mail account to a desktop
mail client or mobile app. It allows 2-way syncing, which means
everything you do remotely is reflected in your Yahoo Mail account no
PROBLEM: While archiving email from a Microsoft Exchange server
an _EWS _error code _ErrorMimeContentConversionFailed_ occurs.
SOLUTION: This kind of Exchange internal server error is caused by an
internal Exchange function that is not able to convert a...